
Detoxification: Detox is the initial step in physically recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. When an individual has a drug or alcohol addiction their body becomes physically dependent on that substance to sustain. Oftentimes when a person attempts to quit on their own they go through withdrawal. Withdraw can often present as flu-like symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, and fever. Our highly trained medical staff is trained to assist and monitor patients during this very vulnerable and difficult time.

What to Expect During the Detoxification Phase

Patients who begin our detox program can expect a collaborative approach with guidance from a board certified medical doctor. All patients will be seen within 24 hours by a medical doctor to complete their history and physical. The doctor will review with the patient any withdrawal symptoms to create a medical regimen for the detox process. All patients will be placed on rounds and monitored by our medical team. Groups and programming will be available throughout the day and all patients are highly encouraged to attend, but participation is not required during this phase of recovery.      

Inpatient Residential

This is the next step in recovery after the detoxification phase. During this phase people are generally more physically stable and begin their journey becoming more mentally and emotionally stable. During this phase patients are offered more intensive group therapy and counseling sessions to assist them with identifying core issues to create healthier belief systems. During this multidisciplinary process all patients are assisted by healthcare and clinical professionals.       

What to Expect During the Inpatient Residential Phase

After completing the detox phase a patient is then moved into inpatient residential. During this phase patients are expected to participate daily in group and individual therapy. The patient will continue to work with medical staff to address any medical concerns that are residual from the detox phase and work with a case manager and therapist to set up goals and work on becoming emotionally stable. During the Inpatient Residential phase of treatment therapists and case managers are able to assist the patient collaboratively with setting health goals, identifying triggers, creating relapse prevention plans, and identifying core beliefs that are not congruent with their goals for their recovery. This is the mental and emotional stabilization of a patient’s recovery journey.